Hancock County Public Library
Recent News About Hancock County Public Library
Mank & Sass Outdoor Concert NP on July 27
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to the back lawn of the Sugar Creek Branch in New Palestine for an evening with Mank & Sass.
Hancock County Public Library - Movie in the Park on July 22
Robots have taken over, and our best chance of survival lies in the hands of an ordinary family.
Dot Painting Shells Workshop on July 20
Use a popular technique inspired by Aboriginal artists who paint dots on natural items.
Archaeology in Your Community on July 18
Rachel Sharkey, with the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA), will be giving a talk on what archaeology is and is not, the types of things that archaeologists look for here in Indiana, how the DHPA helps to protect cultural resources in our state, and how you can get involved in archaeology.
Brown Bag Book Discussion on July 12
Librarian Paul McNeil will lead a discussion of Emily Henry's NYT bestselling novel People We Meet on Vacation.
Kevin Stonerock Concert on July 11
Kevin Stonerock is a product of the Midwest, born and raised in a small town 40 miles east of Indianapolis.
Teen Summer STEAM Challenge: Humans and the Ocean on July 04
Teen Summer STEAM Challenge: Humans and the Ocean
Magician Daniel Lusk G on June 27
Magician Daniel Lusk G
Teen Summer STEAM Challenge: Marine Animals on June 27
Teen Summer STEAM Challenge: Marine Animals
Hancock County Public Library
Teens (grades 6-12) participate in the Teen Summer STEAM Challenge to earn extra prizes.
Teen Summer STEAM Challenge: Ocean in Motion on June 13
Teens (grades 6-12) participate in the Teen Summer STEAM Challenge to earn extra prizes.
Stuntology G on June 13
Stuntology G
Amazon John NP on June 6
Join funologist Amazon John on a Silly Safari.
Tween/Teen Take and Make: Light-Up Angler Fish NP on June 6
Teens & Tweens (ages 9-18) create a circuit to light up your own Angler Fish.
Take & Make: Magic Fish Scratch-Off on June 1
Kids, pre-K to grade 5, have fun with a magic fish scratch-off as we start our summer reading program "Oceans of Possibilities.
Teen Ocean Decoration on June 02
Teen Ocean Decoration
Seek & Find Mystery Monday on May 23
Seek & Find Mystery Monday
Friends of the Library Book Sale - Bargain Bag Day on May 16
Friends of the Library Book Sale - Bargain Bag Day
LEGO: Free Build on May 18
LEGO: Free Build
Bugs & Butterflies NP on May 10
Kids grades K-5 join us in making bugs and butterfly crafts. Each child will make a variety of bugs and butterfly crafts to take home.